Successful policy event organised by EOSC Synergy in Strasbourg on 4 May 2022

EOSC Synergy, together with EOSC Pillar, EOSC Nordic, ExPaNDS, NI4OS Europe, EOSC Future and FAIRsFAIR, organised the workshop ‘National Policies relevant to EOSC deployment – Status, gaps, and steps towards harmonisation’, held in Strasbourg, France on May 4th, 2022. The event was scheduled back-to-back with a policy event organised by EOSC Future and was amongst the first face-to-face events targeting international EOSC communities since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

During the workshop, the EOSC regional projects involved presented their findings in the areas of national open science, funding, and access provisioning policies:
Open Science and EOSC National Policies
This session focused on the presentation of findings from the EOSC regional projects on the status of national Open Science and EOSC policies in the regions concerned. Countries in different regions have different approaches and are progressing at different paces. The workshop discussed differences and gaps, with the view that these make the implementation more complicated. It will aim to increase understanding of the different policies and approaches and suggest recommendations and steps that can be taken to support a successful EOSC implementation and uptake.
Funding policies
This session focused on findings from the EOSC regional projects with respect to funding policies in the regions concerned. It included presentations of successful business models and viable funding schemes at the institutional, national, or regional and international level. It addressed the shortage of coherent and stable funding policies, differences and gaps, and saw suggested recommendations and steps that can be taken to foster better alignment of funding policies nationally and internationally.
Access Provisioning Policies
This session focused on the presentation of findings from the EOSC regional projects with respect to access
provisioning policies in the regions concerned. Specific aspects discussed were related to EuroHPC and crossborder resources provisioning, cross-border collaboration, and conditions for transnational access. However, access was also considered in terms of sustainability, from the user point of view and the availability of skills and capacity building. The findings and recommendations looked at the applicable scope (national/cross-border) and the profile of service policies for access (i.e., how and where they are provided, to which users, and under which conditions).
This short item is based on the longer workshop report kindly created by our colleages at EOSC Pillar. This report is available for download on Zenodo.
The programme, presentation materials and other project related documentation are all available at the workshop page on Indico.