The EOSC Synergy Infrastructure integrates Capacities (HPC Computing Clusters, Storage Services and Repositories) from participating European Member States.
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Getting access as user
To get access to the infrastructure, you need to request membership in a Virtual Organisation.
Infra how to
The infrastructure consists of many components and different tools used for accessing them.
Shares of the infrastructure (Ressources, Quota) is allocated by each participating computer centre to a specific VO.
Information about existing VOs
EOSC-Synergy Virtual Organisations
Tools to support infrastructure integration
From the project, several tools have been created or integrated to make the user or administrator experience much easier.
– Cloud-compute
– Cloud-storage
– HPC-Access

EOSC Synergy Openstack Dashboard
Allows direct login to one of the OpenStack sites of the EOSC Synergy cloud resources.

Dynamic DNS service
enables users to register meaningful, memorable hostnames then assign them to services deployed in Cloud, so users can access services that are dynamically deployed in Cloud via pre-registered URLs/hostnames

Object Storage
We are providing documentation and tools on how to use rclone with the EOSC-Synergy Infrastructure.