MSWSS is a service for modeling and analysis of Water Supply Systems which integrates the analysis of toxics in drinking-water supply networks with water distribution network simulation.
MSWSS service will allow water infrastructure operators and researchers to analyse hazardous events (e.g. toxics propagation within a pipe system) and may be used for preparation of risk management plans for water utilities. The EOSC computing infrastructure and data sharing services enable modelling more complex water supply systems and to increase the number of scenarios for the analysis.The architecture of the MSWSS service is depicted in figure. The MSWSS service uses Galaxy portal where users can share and reuse their workflows with data and prepare their simulation jobs.
MSWSS uses as a computational backend based on the EC3 elastic virtual cluster service which provides the MSWSS service with the building and management of an elastic virtual cluster on the computational resources available in the EOSC IaaS infrastructure. The resources in the virtual cluster are managed by the Slurm workload management system. The data produced by computational jobs are stored locally within the MSWSS service and are available to users via Galaxy portal.

MSWSS thematic service includes or will include the following services listed in the EOSC marketplace:
- EC3 (Infrastructure Manager, CLUES): is used for creation and management of computational backend based on elastic virtual cluster built from virtual worker nodes
- EOSC Cloud computing resources: are used to build the elastic virtual cluster for MSWSS service
- EGI Check-in: it is used by EC3 to authenticate the MSWSS service to EOSC Cloud computing resources