Description of the Result
G-CORE addresses the lack of capability and products for Earth Observation (EO) services. It provides two main functionalities:
- A Data Manager for spatial and non-spatial purposes.
- A Processing framework to host external processors developed by third parties to generate added-value products based on Satellite imageries.
By creating such added-value products through the integration of G-CORE as a data manager, this thematic service can explore the sustainability of the EO services exposed. It will ultimately establish itself as a service with additional channels to use EO products.
Target audience/beneficiaries
European scientists on Earth Observation, as well as other research fields in the context of EOSC, even beyond the EO. Other EOSC-SYNERGY Thematic Services could also leverage the bridge that INDRA could provide
Added Value / Benefits
The main benefit of G-CORE is its potential to widen the usage of EO data beyond the scope of nominal fields. The EO data could be considered as little fish in a big pond in order to provide additional information in a great variety of added value services. G-CORE provides a simple and comprehensive interface to EO services for the user communities
Use and Impact after EOSC Synergy
G-CORE consists of a set of common components that are able to deploy different instances each one offering the functionality required by the elements that compose a Ground Segment. A typical GCORE structure resides in a marketplace where different services are offered from third parties. Each user can request a specific service that implies the deployment of a GCORE Instance to perform the activities for the services.
Beyond the EOSC Synergy project, the expectation is to create new types of business models, defining new products and services mixing Earth Observation data with other types of data for scientific and social environments. The influential positioning of INDRA, the company owning G-CORE, in different markets will be an asset.
G-CORE Thematic Service Flyer [PDF]