Slovakia is represented in the EOSC Governance Board by nominees of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
Slovakia is a member in the following Research Infrastructures and associations which endorsed the EOSC declaration:
EMBL – European Molecular Biology Laboratory
LIBER – Association of European Research Libraries
EuroCRIS – Current Research Information Systems
ECRIN – European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network
DiSSCo – Distributed System of Scientific Collections
European XFEL – European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility
ILL – Institut Max von Laue – Paul Langevin
CESSDA ERIC – Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
ESS ERIC – European Social Survey
ESRF UPGRADES – Phase II: Extremely Brilliant Source
Slovakia is a member in several Research Infrastructures related to EOSC:
eLTER – Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone
and socio-ecological system Research Infrastructure
Euro-BioImaging – European Research Infrastructure for
Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences
INSTRUCT ERIC – Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure (Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
HL-LHC – High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider
PRACE – Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
EPOS – European Plate Observing System
Euro-BioImaging – European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences
MIRRI – Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure
EST – European Solar Telescope
LifeWatch – e-infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
INSTRUCT – Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure
National strategies and policies
In the Slovak Republic, the elaboration of the National Open Access Strategy is one of the tasks of the Open Government Initiative Action Plan set for 2019-2021 (currently presented for approval by the Government of the Slovak Republic). The aim of the National Strategy is to improve the real-time application of research results, to improve scientific literacy (the public will have easier access to scientific outputs and methods) and to increase the economic and social impact of research results.
The National Open Access Strategy will include the definition of the whole process from research planning, research activities (storage, management and analysis of research data), research results (publishing and long-term preservation), financing the costs of open access publishing. As regards the infrastructure national R&D evaluation systems and scientific data storage systems are envisaged. The provisional date for government adoption of the National Open Access Strategy is December 2020.
National initiatives
The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) is a national information centre and specialised scientific library of the Slovak Republic focused on natural, technical, economic and social sciences. SCSTI provides several information systems supporting R&D on national level funded by the Ministry, i.e. Central Registry of Publication Activities, Central Registry of Theses and Dissertations, Central Information Portal for Research, Development and Innovation and Slovak Current Research Information System (SK CRIS).
The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information is a national key OA stakeholder.
Since 2013 SCSTI serves as the National point of reference for the policy of “Open Access and preservation of scientific information”.
In 2015 SCSTI became member of the OpenAIRE 2020 project and became NOAD for Slovakia.
In 2016 was established Contact Office for Open Access at SCSTI – based on the Action Plan of the Initiative for Open Governance in the Slovak Republic 2017 – 2019 adopted by the Government in 2017.
In October 2016 was established Open Access working group. It has 27 members from libraries, ministries and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
There are 3 Open Access repositories in Slovakia.
Since 2019 has been initiated a national project on setting up national Open Access repository:
Title of the project: The Comprehensive Information System for acquiring, processing, preservation and provision research and bibliometric information and publications (COMIS) (2019 – 2023)
The national project COMIS is focused on the development and use of ICT to support Open Science in Slovakia.
The aim will be data exchange between systems through compatible open formats, their transfer, cleaning, transforming, linking and presentation via recommended secure protocols, formats and standardized presentation interfaces also in the context of a cooperative policy of designated partners with similar services in the international space. Technologically, the project focuses on quality (data management), interconnection and linking of data and metadata (open data and semantic web), existing de facto standards and data credibility.
The presentation platform will take into account the integration platform solutions with regard to a comprehensive and flexible user interface for accessing various kinds of textual and structured information and providing a mechanism for managing communication with users.
COMIS will create an ecosystem of information systems needed to work with scientific information and data, namely:
Digital repository for scientific and scholarly publications,
Digital repository for scientific data,
Open Access publication platform,
Analysis module for science evaluation,
ERM system for management of electronic information sources,
Discovery system for electronic information sources,
System for remote access to electronic information sources,
Central register of publications activity,
Central register of art works and performance,
SK CRIS – Current research information system,
Central register of graduation and qualification works with the antiplagiarism control,
ISS SCSTI – Integrated System of Services of the SCSTI,
Central management of ISS users,
Central components for the integration platform,
Common presentation platform.
Their technical operation will be ensured in the Data Center for Science and Research, which is designed to store and process the ICT needed for research and development organizations in Slovakia. The Data center also provides a sufficiently fast access through broadband networks and has an architecture suitable for high-volume data processing and sufficient storage capacity.
If the implementation of the COMIS is successful, Slovakia will have at its disposal the comprehensive information system for acquiring, processing, preservation and provision research and bibliometric information and publications, together with a modern data center. The infrastructure will provide a benefit for all stakeholders – public but also the private sector.
National Data Center for Research and Development at SCSTI
The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information has a unique position in the Slovak Republic since it is responsible for building and operating the national ICT research infrastructure.
R&D Data Center established within SCSTI (since 2009) is equipped with modern ICT infrastructure. It´s core mission is to store and process information needed for R&D organizations in the Slovak Republic. R&D Data Center contributes to increasing the capacity of Slovak research institutions by using high-quality infrastructure. It provides ICT infrastructure to store and provide the data needed for researchers under conditions of high availability and security. The infrastructure also includes ensuring fast access through broadband networks and implementing solutions enabling the efficient use of information resources. At the time of construction, the data center infrastructure met all requirements for computing power, storage capacity, safety and security of operation, availability and operating environment. R&D Data Center has currently an architecture suitable for large-volume data processing as well as sufficient storage capacity.
With regard to the integration of the scientific and research infrastructure of the Slovak Republic into the EOSC, since 2017 SCSTI has been building a comprehensive ecosystem of R&D infrastructure consisting of selected ICT research infrastructures built by universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Each R&D institution operates its own infrastructure. The aim is to integrate these ICT infrastructures so that in the future there will be no duplication of research infrastructures at Slovak research institutions. Together, these research infrastructures, under the leadership of SCSTI, will gradually create a coherent ecosystem of ICT research infrastructures that will serve the entire scientific community. This current initiative develops and modernizes the infrastructure that was built between 2007-2013 and introduces and builds new components for the comprehensive operation of the data center to meet the needs of the research community and fully serve as a R&D infrastructure for a wide range of research areas.