The Netherlands is a pioneer in the fields of both Open Science and the FAIR Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The Dutch government has been instrumental in putting Open Science on the political agenda, first at national level in 2013, and again in 2016 at the European level when the Netherlands hosted the EU Presidency. In February 2017, the Dutch National Plan for Open Science was published, setting out the ambition to make Science even more accessible to others and to boost momentum among the institutions not yet involved.
The country has a vibrant and growing community of organizations, academic institutions and individuals working together in collaboration to make the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) a reality. Out of the 98 signatories of the EOSC Declaration, over 22 institutions are located in the Netherlands, including the Dutch Research Council (NWO), SURF, GO FAIR, and GÉANT. Also among these core ‘EOSC-doers’ are EGI, and Data Archiving & Networked Services (DANS), both partners of the EOSC Synergy project. EGI is the coordinator of the EOSC-hub project; and a partner in PaNOSC (Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud), and ExPaNDS (EOSC Photon and Neutron Data Service). DANS is a partner in the implementation projects EOSC-hub & EOSCpilot; the related projects OpenAIRE Advance, SSHOC & FREYA; and coordinator of the INFRAEOSC 5(c) project FAIRsFAIR.
Alongside these organizations, many dedicated Dutch scholars and professionals represent their institutions while working in a personal capacity to drive the EOSC forward:
EOSC Executive Board:
Karel Luyben, National Coordinator for Open Science, and Chair of the EOSC Executive Board
Ron Dekker, Director of the CESSDA ERIC (Consortium of Social Science Data Archives) and member of the EOSC Executive Board
EOSC Governance Board:
Santje van Londen, Ministry of Education, Culture & Science
EOSC Working Groups:
Ronald Stolk, University of Groningen (Landscape WG)
Rob Hooft, Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences [DTL] (FAIR WG)
Marta Teperek, Delft University of Technology [TU Delft] (FAIR WG)
Eric van den Bergh, Wageningen University & Research (Architecture WG)
Wouter Los, University of Amsterdam (Rules of Participation WG)
Franciska de Jong, Universiteit Utrecht & CLARIN ERIC (Sustainability WG)
A fuller overview of all Organizations, People, Projects and Institutions which together form the Dutch EOSC Landscape is currently being developed.